In the garden, Autumn is, indeed the crowning glory of the year, bringing us the fruition of months of thought and care and toil. And at no season, safe perhaps in Daffodil time, do we get such superb colour effects as from August to November.- Rose G. Kingsley, The Autumn Garden, 1905
14x18, oil/panel
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September is a wonderful time to be outside painting! The weather is very pleasant, the sun is a little lower in the sky providing great light and shadows and the underbrush, wildflowers, weeds and grasses are beginning to turn fabulous colors. Then there is this overriding sense of warmth. I'm not sure how to explain it, but eventhough the temperatures might not be as high as in the summer(which just says "hot") the weather in September says "warmth". With that comes all kinds of positive feelings for me. When I'm outside nature seems full, and heavy laden with good things, a harvest. When I walk in the morning there are clusters of wild grapes, autumn olives, hickory nuts and acorns everywhere. The grasses are tall and golden, tan and red. I think about how all this plentiful food is good for the resident wildlife. So September always gives me a feeling of satisfaction, like the earth has once again fulfilled it's mission and produced a bountiful array of good things and that all is well. The top painting was done at Bauer Park. Bauer Park was originally Bauer Farm and was donated to the town of Madison some years ago. It's now a beutiful environmental education center. It's an absolutely beautiful place filled with community gardens and meadows of wild flowers. There are many views waiting to be painted. The second piece was paitned at a pond near my home. I've been watching the pond go through it's yearly cycle for 18 years now and it never ceases to fascinate me. Nature provides beauty all around us, if we will only take the time to stop an look.
Lord, it is time. The summer was very big. Lay thy shadow on the sundials, and on the meadows let the winds go loose. Command the last fruits that they shall be full; give them another two more southerly days, press them on to fulfillment and drive the last sweetness into the heavenly wine. - Rainer Maria Rilke
plein air
wow, you can really see the seasons change through your paintings.. really lovely jan:)
Jan, your paintings are stunningly beautiful!
- this from one who normally does not care much for landscape art.
Really nice work, Jan! Love these two colorful paintings.
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