Friday, August 22, 2008

FREE Painting Give Away- We Have A Winner

Brenda Mullaney, Ohio, is the winner of the above painting, Celebrating the Autumn Garden, 24x18, acrylic. This was my first FREE FRIDAY give away at my other blog, . Why am I giving away paintings you ask?? Several reasons, first I'm getting ready to move and I'd rather give away some of my older paintings to appreciative, loving homes than pack them and move them or sell them on e-Bay. Second, the economy is shaky and many people who would love an original painting just can't fit a purchase into their budget right now and this is a way to get real honest to goodness original art in to people's homes where it can be a blessing. Third, I ask the recipient to forward an e-mail with links to my website and blogs to family and friends because I truly believe that word of mouth advertising from one person to another is the most effective.
So keep your eyes open. I'll always announce the next Free Friday give away here, a few days ahead of time. The winner is always the first person to e-mail me requesting the painting. Now I have to go pick out the next painting. I'm picky about this. Though it will be an older painting it will only be one that I will be proud to have hanging in someone's home with my signature on it!


Kim said...

what a lucky winner ...
this painting epitomises summer to me...
I have an award for you at my site Jan..
cheers Kim

Jan Blencowe said...

Hi Kim,

Thanks for visiting! I just checked out both your blogs.... fabulous. I can see I'm going to need to set aside an hour and a cup of tea to really enjoy them! Looking forward to it!
