Monday, September 18, 2006

The Dinner Hour

The Dinner Hour, 9x12, oil/linen
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The marsh is now turning color! Many of the grasses have gone to seed, and their seedheads are golden and reddish. This is another late day painting, 3:30-5:30 pm, the beginning of the "golden hour" and also the "dinner hour" for the egrets LOL . These birds are so stately and beautiful, poised silently, intently staring at the water and then with lightening speed plucking their dinner out of the marsh. There were a number of them stalking about the marsh, then a large airdale terrier came through and they opened their magnificant wings and flew to safety further away. After a while they were back hunting for something to eat. They didn't seem to mind me at all standing on the edge of the water painting. That is one of the really , really cool things about painting outdoors, being right there with the natural world, in harmony and part of it. Painting is a pretty quiet activity, and for the most part you are standing still, occassionally walking back to get a better view of your work and you seem to be accepted by the wildlife that's around you, quite a priviledge, I think.


Ed Terpening said...

Sometimes you get "too" accepted by the wildlife while painting. While painting in Colorado recently, I had several ducks circle me the entire time I was painting a lake. They stomped my equipment, had some fun with my trash, etc. I couldn't believe how accustomed they were to humans. In the end, a fond memory. Nice painting!

Jan Blencowe said...

Oh no renegade ducks ! LOL Too funny!

Yukari said...

Hello! I´m from Brasil and I´m a young artist =) I loved your canvases a lot!