Friday, May 26, 2006

Flower-a-Day: May Day Geraniums

May Day Geraniums
I always buy my annuals too early. I should know better having lived in New England for almost 20 years. However, if the almanac says last possible frost is May 5th, you can bet that on May 6th I'm loading up my wagon at the garden center with trays of colorful annuals. I don't know why I do this, I've lost so many to frost. If I can resist planting them and keep them on the deck for a few weeks I'm always faced with the crisis of where to go with 30 flats of impatients when a frost is predicted overnight. The dining room table and breakfast bar fill up pretty quickly and the kitchen begins to resemble a botanical garden filled with planters and urns filled with flowers. This year the torrential rains kept me from my annual "too early pilgrimage" to the nursery. I finally got there yesterday...right on the brink of the Memorial Day weekend. This is actually a more sane time to buy annuals anyway. Today right after breakfast I selected one of my new pink geraniums, variety: May Day and painted it even before I got it, and a few of its sisters, situated in their new home, a large planter on the deck. I'm very fond of geraniums so you can expect to see at least a few more versions of them in the days to come!

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